
As i shoot more content or launch new features i will update this page with what and where.

  • Hundreds of new clips added!

    Hundreds of new clips added!

    Finally had some time to shoot some more winter content. Hundreds of new clips added of a forest covered in snow and ice, and the waves collection. It has been...

    Hundreds of new clips added!

    Finally had some time to shoot some more winter content. Hundreds of new clips added of a forest covered in snow and ice, and the waves collection. It has been...

  • Winter is here.

    Winter is here.

    Well, as quick as the autumn left, the winter came. So it`s here with full force with snow and ice! I hope to shoot more this winter. The first upload...

    Winter is here.

    Well, as quick as the autumn left, the winter came. So it`s here with full force with snow and ice! I hope to shoot more this winter. The first upload...

  • The autumn was here

    The autumn was here

    This autumn was very hectic. So didn`t have so much time to go out and shoot. But i managed a few trips out in the forest. Added a collection with...

    The autumn was here

    This autumn was very hectic. So didn`t have so much time to go out and shoot. But i managed a few trips out in the forest. Added a collection with...

  • Catching up the backlog.

    Catching up the backlog.

    Still catching up the backlog and working as fast as possible to upload more clips!

    Catching up the backlog.

    Still catching up the backlog and working as fast as possible to upload more clips!

  • Moon and airplanes.

    Moon and airplanes.

    After returning from a job, i stopped at the airport to film some clips of airplanes taking of. This evening the "super blue moon" event took place. So after a...

    Moon and airplanes.

    After returning from a job, i stopped at the airport to film some clips of airplanes taking of. This evening the "super blue moon" event took place. So after a...

  • launched! launched!

    After many hours spent in researching and figuring out how to best put up a site like this I'm finally here. I wanted to create my own b-roll-site for video... launched!

    After many hours spent in researching and figuring out how to best put up a site like this I'm finally here. I wanted to create my own b-roll-site for video...